Friday, December 31, 2021

A running review of 2021

It was not a year of running I had expected. After vaccinations began in spring, I thought an actual in-person race would be possible in the latter months of the year, perhaps the Walnut Creek Half in California that I almost always run in December. In May, I got so optimistic that I signed up for the Parks Half Marathon in Maryland. But Delta came along, so I decided to transfer my registration to 2022. Omicron then followed. In-person races were being held, of course, including those big-city marathons, with various modifications due to COVID. And, as far as I know, no big outbreaks of infections have resulted. But, running an in-person race is not an absolute necessity; I can wait.

Aside from races, my running almost returned to the pre-pandemic schedule norm for periods in between races. Two small adjustments were carrying a mask, just in case, and occasionally crossing the street to socially distance. Total mileage was 1365, not bad for a no-race and, thus, no-training year. Here are some highlights from 2021:

1. Most memorable run, in freezing rain, during which my eyesight got progressively worse--until I realized that both sides of my glasses were iced over.

2. See-if-I-could-do-it run, at the local high school track, where I ran 50+ laps (13 mi) to get a sense of the mental aspect of such running. Or racing. Not quite Self-Transcendence 3100 or a 24-hour run. But, it was good to know that 50+ laps was not a problem—and certainly easier than on a treadmill!

3. Most aural run, on the way to Las Trampas Elderberry Trailhead near San Ramon, CA. It was my Sunday long run, and I underestimated the distance by about two miles. But, I was glad the 14-mile out-and-back run became 18 miles. Else, I'd have missed the bovine choir (with a canine guest solo)!

4. New #Runmymindmap project: T. rex. Following are the challenge, the plan, and the best result so far (6th try). T. rex was harder than the NASA meatball, in part because the resolution of my GPS watch was limiting (e.g., for T. rex's eye).

As we count down towards 2022, remember, “it’s not inevitable”! Stay safe, stay healthy, keep running!


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